10/24/2021 - Faith Sees It's Savior (Friendship Sunday)

People who wear glasses know how subtle your eyesight can deteriorate. One day we assume our vision is 20/20, and the next the doctor tells us “you need glasses!” The same is true of spiritual eyesight. We often think we see God clearly, but often our spiritual eyesight has deteriorated.

The Laodiceans are a case in point. They thought they had 20/20 spiritual vision. Jesus tells them they had lost their zeal; they were apathetic. You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor blind and naked (Revelation 3:17). They didn’t just have bad spiritual vision; they were completely blind to the God and his gospel!

God is in the business of curing spiritual blindness. Without God, the only path to the afterlife is through our own works and efforts - a rugged and bumpy terrain. Jeremiah teaches that God paved the way to heaven by another route. Using a word picture, he explains that trusting Jesus paves a path to heaven so smooth and easy to travel that even the elderly, the crippled and lame, and pregnant women will make the trip.

In the Gospel, blind Bartimaeus was calling out to Jesus to have mercy on him. He called Jesus the Son of David. He was not just looking to Jesus as the one who could heal his eyes, but as the promised Savior who could heal the blindness of his soul. Jesus told him, Your faith has healed you. Both his eyes and his soul were healed.

Day to day life can be rugged and bumpy when we believe that human ingenuity or our own efforts are the solutions to our problems. God shows us a better way. Faith sees its Savior - trust Jesus!

God bless your worship.


FIRST READING: Jeremiah 31:7-9; The Lord will save his people.

SECOND READING: Revelation 3:14-22 - He who has an ear, let him hear.

GOSPEL: Mark 10:46-52; Jesus gives blind Bartimaeus his sight.


SERMON TEXT: Revelation 3:14-22

SERMON THEME: “Jesus is Knocking!” (Preacher, Vicar Justus McKenzie)

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Leigh Webster