10/30/2022: Lord, Make Your House My Home


An inauspicious beginning found 33 devoted souls worshipping in jury rooms, living rooms, and classrooms. More important than the size of the group was the mustard seed size of the faith in their hearts. God blessed that beginning and deployed it for his gracious purposes. Through the years, God has multiplied the efforts of those original 33 to serve thousands of souls through many generations of Redeemer ministry.

Today Redeemer celebrates her 78th anniversary. As we remember the grace of God through four generations, we will also dedicate our newly remodeled chapel to the glory of God. Originally planned for dedication as part of the 75th anniversary, God had other plans. A pandemic and a burst sprinkler head were earthly factors that delayed the project. Thanks to the tireless efforts of many volunteers and skilled tradesman, we have a beautiful chapel in which to raise our praise to the LORD.

Lutherans worship. It’s what they do. David yearned to worship, too. A famous line from psalm 27 says, "One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple (Psalm 27:4). Everything about this world should seem foreign to us; it’s not home. Our places of work, our entertainment, the people with whom we interact is all temporary. Like David, the Christian’s heart years for communion with God. God’s house is where we belong. That’s home. Here we are led and fed by the Good Shepherd. Our service theme suggest the same, “Lord, make your house my home.”

Anniversaries are worth celebrating for many reasons, but the primary reason has little to do with tenured called workers, founding members, or dutiful volunteers. People come and people go. But the same God of grace has led and fed us every step of our 78 years.

God bless your worship.

Pastor Adam Mueller will preach on Matthew 16:13–19 “Christ Builds His Church on the Rock”

View the service folder.

Watch the livestream.

Leigh Webster