11/14/2021 - Christ Will Return to Judge

The majority viewpoint of many these days is the disapproval of judging. Few people like to have their behavior corrected or perhaps worse, commented on critically. In order to avoid feeling guilty for bad behavior, many have resorted to proactive shaming of those who are "judgy."

This anti-judgmental sentiment is, of course, completely ridiculous. Judgment is a part of everyday life, and is needed and necessary. Daily there are situations that we will find intolerable, and our good judgment can help us avoid them. We use judgment to avoid a traffic jam and the time waste and stress that accompanies it. Should we be shamed for exercising our judgement to take another route? After you return an overripe peach to the produce rack, can you imagine the grocer shaming you for being judgmental against the peach?

Most of the (im)moral majority in our country will claim that judgmentalism is only intolerable in moral matters. But moral applications are the same as the others. Like the traffic jam, aren't there moral situations that are debilitating, stressful and time wasting? Like the peach, aren't there behaviors so squish and icky that we'd rather just put them back than engage in them? And, isn't it good judgment to avoid them and to warn others to do the same?

Today's lessons teach a timeless lesson - that Jesus is our Judge. Happily, he's hard wired his moral guidelines in our hearts, and then recorded them in ink in the Scriptures for ready reference. More than that, the Scriptures offer God's solution for guilt, bad judgment, and immoral behavior (hint: it's not shaming!). God's forgiveness in Christ both releases us from guilt and empowers us to live morally.

The first time Jesus came, he came to forgive. The second time he comes, he comes to judge. Will we be shamed? As the Scriptures say, “Anyone who trusts in Jesus will never be put to shame.”

God bless your worship.


FIRST READING: Daniel 12:1-3, On the last day, all will be raised and judged

SECOND READING: Hebrews 9:24-28, Jesus will return to once more to bring salvation.

GOSPEL: John 5:25-29, On the Last Day, all will enter either heaven or hell.


SERMON TEXT: Hebrews 9:24-28

SERMON THEME: “What Are You Waiting For?” (Preacher, Vicar Justus McKenzie)

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Leigh Webster