11/24/2021- My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness

My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness 

Historically, Thanksgiving has been celebrated as a secular festival.  Originally suggested by George Washington, it was sporadically celebrated until Abraham Lincoln set aside the fourth Thursday in November to be dedicated to giving thanks.

Christians make a point of being thankful all year long.  Secular Thanksgiving often zeroes in on the product, namely the harvest, food and abundance elements of being thankful.  Christians thanksgiving focuses on the giver.  We realize that every good gift comes from our heavenly Father regardless of the amount.  The plentiful harvests, the houses and family we enjoy are not only ours during this cycle of the year, but God graciously gives them to us year round.  Tonight’s first reading invites us to consider that the abundance we have has less to do with us and more to do with the loving God who gave it.  God is good!

Only Christians can be thankful for the spiritual blessings they receive from God.  The certainty of our forgiveness and the confidence of a final resurrection to heaven is built in to our Christmas, Epiphany, Lent and Easter worship.  But a specific character in our Thanksgiving Gospel realized it personally.  Jesus cleansed all ten lepers, but only one Gentile leper had faith enough to return to Jesus and give thanks.  Jesus sounds incredulous when just one leper retuned, asking, “We’re all ten cleansed?  Where are the other nine?”  Paul adds a useful thought to our general Christian disposition:  “Rejoice in the Lord always… with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Jesus' audience with the leper teaches us that thanksgiving is much more than football games, pumpkin pie and a gluttony-induced nap.  Thanksgiving is daily Christian attitude.  It is our mind, our though-process, our behavior, our generosity, our actions, our smile, our perspective, our optimism, our hopefulness, our trust.  It is how we think, it is who we are every day.  You've received the same grace the leper has.  Let the people in your world see how genuinely thankful you are, and let them see it every day!

God bless your worship!

Thanksgiving Service folder

Watch 4:30 Livestream Wednesday, November 24

Leigh Webster