12/20/2020 - Son of David, Son of Mary, Son of God
Fourth Sunday in Advent
One of the reasons Abraham is considered such a remarkable hero of faith is that he just believed God's Word - and he didn't have much of it to believe! There were precious few details about the birth of Christ, so few, in fact, that today's Romans lesson calls it a mystery. Throughout the history of the Old Testament, God gave more and more details about the birth of the Savior. With each prophecy, God unveiled another element of his salvation plan: that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, that he would be a descendant of David, that he would be born of a virgin.
Eventually God would reveal enough of his mystery so that people could easily identify Jesus as the Messiah. Today's lessons are an excellent case in point. David's kingdom would eventually fail. But our lesson from 2 Samuel illustrates that his descendant, Jesus, would establish a kingdom that would last forever! Gabriel announced to Mary that although she was a virgin, the power of God would overshadow her so that the holy one to be born to her would be called the Son of God.
We have the Word of the prophet made more certain, and we'd do well to pay attention to it. Not only do we have God's prophecies, we have their fulfillment in Christ. There is no mystery left; God's salvation plan has been revealed. Then, to the list of Abraham, Samuel, and Mary add yourself and say, "Lord, I believe."
God bless your worship!
First reading: 2 Samuel 7:8-16
An eternal kingdom from the house of David
Second reading: Romans 16:25-27
God reveals Jesus Christ as Messiah
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38
Jesus, Son of Mary, son of David, son of God
Sermon text: Romans 16:25-27
Sermon theme: "God Would Make a Lousy Magician"
8am & 10:45am services with accommodations are held on campus.