1/2/2022- What Child is This? He Turns Slaves Into Sons


A baby is born every twelve seconds. That's 140 million babies born each year. Yet, there is something that sets this child apart from all others. It is not simply his humble beginnings, with a cattle trough as his first cradle. It is not just the miraculous nature of his birth, his mother being a virgin. There is so much more. This child is the only hope we have for peace and a future. This child can wipe away every tear, drive away every fear. Here is the truth of Christmas. With this  child, you lack nothing. Without him, you have nothing. Let us use this season of Christmas to answer this most important question: WHAT CHILD IS THIS?

December 24 - What Child Is This?

December 26 - God In the Flesh 

January 2 - He Turns Slaves Into Sons

Second Sunday after Christmas: He Turns Slaves Into Sons 

The ability to appreciate Christmas is directly proportional to the understanding of whom Christmas is for. Christmas is only meant for those who are held captive by our enemies, sin and death. Christmas is for people who have no power of their own to free themselves from those enemies. Christmas is for people who patiently wait for God to set them free. God's Christmas gift is for slaves, but it does not leave them that way. Jesus takes those born in slavery and turns them into sons and daughters of God. He makes us heirs of a glorious, eternal inheritance. He sets us free from a forced servitude to our enemies and replaces it with joyful service to our loving Father. 

God bless your worship.

Pastor Mueller will preach on
Luke 1:68-75
"Praise the Lord!"

10:45am livestream
January 2 service folder

Leigh Webster