As Jesus began his ministry, he called people to follow him. By modern standards, his methods would be considered odd. He didn't pursue the celebrity, the politician, or the athlete. The face of Jesus' church was going to be the common man. He called uneducated fishermen to put down their nets and fish for people.
Once upon a time, my grandpa gave me a book titled, "Everything I know about fishing." It was about 150 pages long, and every page inside was BLANK! When this topic of fishing for people comes along, most feel the same way. We don't know anything about fishing for people! That's why Jesus' lesson this Sunday is heartening. If we think we don't know a thing about fishing for people, neither did the disciples! They still committed to Jesus. They were willing to learn. And with the Holy Spirit’s power, they went and did it.
Jonah was God’s prophet. He knew something about fishing for people. Jonah knew that God loved ALL people. He also knew that God wanted ALL people be be saved. His knowledge was good, but his attitude was bad. It wasn't until the fisherman was swallowed by a fish that God forced Jonah's hand and sent him to Nineveh.
Paul's letter to Corinth brilliantly lays out God's passion for salvation. God reconciled (made peace with) the world to himself in Christ by not counting their sins against them. That’s a powerful message. It’s also a universal message! What God has done for you and me, he has done for the world. When we fish for people we don't need a tackle box or a fishing rod. We go with a message: God loves you. Jesus forgives you. Believe it! God bless your worship.
First lesson: Jonah 3:1-5, 10
The Ninevites repent at Jonah's preaching
Second lesson: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
God's forgiveness is universal and free
Gospel: Mark 1:14-20
Jesus calls followers to fish for people
Sermon text: Mark 1:14-20
“The Call of a Lifetime”
Sunday services: 8am & 10:45am
10: 45 service livestream on our YouTube channel
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