Advent is a Latin word that means “coming.” The season of Advent is the four week period before Christmas that the Church uses to remember the “coming” of the Christ. We celebrate that he came once as a baby in Bethlehem, and that he will come again at the end of time.
The Advent Wreath is a combination of two very common symbols: light and the fir tree. From the early centuries of Christianity it has been the practice to represent Christ by a burning candle. The fir tree has a long history of religious use. No doubt the Advent Wreath was suggested by the Christmas tree. It seems that the Advent Wreath originated a few hundred years ago among the Lutherans of eastern Germany. A wreath of evergreens, made in various sizes, was either suspended from the ceiling or placed on a table. Four candles representing the four Sundays of Advent were fastened to the wreath.
Eventually the use of the Advent Wreath became wide spread and moved also from the home into the church. The general symbolism of the Advent Wreath lies in the growing light of the wreath, increasing each week as we approach the birthday of Jesus, the Light of the world.
Throughout the course of the Old Testament, God promised that a forerunner would prepare the way for Jesus’ arrival. The prophet Malachi announces John and his work; in Matthew’s Gospel we learn more of John the Baptist’s coming. John’s preparatory work was largely to lead people to repentance. A humble, penitent heart is ready to receive Jesus as Lord.
God bless your worship.
First reading: Isaiah 40:1-11 God comforts his people
Second reading: 2 Peter 3:8-14 The coming of the Day of the Lord
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8 Prepare the way of the Lord
Sermon text: 2 Peter 3:8-14
Sermon theme: Just Remember This One Thing
8am & 10:45am services with accommodations are held on campus.
Livestream Sunday, December 6 at 10:45