1/28/2024 Compassion Sunday


As you page through the New Testament, one of the most consistent themes is Jesus showing compassion to people.  Consider all the interactions he had with people where he healed a disease or sickness, raised someone from the dead or helped people out at challenging times in their lives.  Jesus helped those with pain, illness and physical limitations, but he was especially moved to compassion for those who were suffering spiritually.  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36).

The loving compassion Jesus showed for for the bodies and souls in his day continues to be a model and example to those who follow him now.  Jesus certainly calls us to show compassion to those who are closest to us and those whom we know.  But he also compels us to show love and compassion to those who are struggling with physical or spiritual limitations.

Today, we welcome director of WELS Special Ministries, Pastor Joel Gaertner.  WELS Special Ministries provides resources and opportunities for God’s people to share the Gospel with those who often are not served in the usual work of a congregation’s ministry. Pastor Gaertner will help us see how the work of Special Ministries is showing the heart and love of Jesus to everyone.  The Bible Class presentation between services on Sunday morning will give an overview and understanding of the 8 arms of Special Ministries.  Please make plans to join us to learn more about this area of work which we carry out together as part of WELS!

God bless your worship.

Guest preacher, Pastor Joel Gaertner will preach on Matthew 9:36, “A Heart Like Jesus”

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Leigh Webster