2/28/2021 - Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
Second Sunday in Lent
Conscientious Christians, in a moment of piety, sometimes wonder what prevents others from believing in Jesus. God loves us categorically, he preserves and protects us, he forgives us unconditionally, he is with us always, he blesses us on earth and promises us heaven. What's not to love?
In a word, suffering. Or as Jesus refers to it today, "the cross." Jesus promised suffering would follow his disciples in the same way it followed him. Suffering for our belief in Christ is a staple part of Christianity. In fact, Jesus insists that followers of Jesus "count the cost of discipleship," or ask themselves before they become Christians whether they're willing to embrace the suffering that comes with it.
Job is just one example. By every measurable standard, Job's life was blessed. In one day he lost it all - his family, his business and all his property. Most people would struggle to handle that well. Job's response reflects his unshakable faith, "The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!"
Today’s Gospel plainly teaches how necessary the cross is to Christianity. They go together. Peter once discouraged Jesus from pursuing the cross. Jesus candidly told Peter his thoughts were Satanic! Then he patiently explained that carrying your cross is a basic part of Christianity. Deny yourself; take up your cross, and follow Jesus.
Finally, Paul argues that suffering - that is, carrying your cross - develops good Christian character. Suffering develops perseverance, character, and hope. Suffering, then, ought to be received with joy! God is shaping us into a more useful Christian.
An old song croons, "He's not heavy; he's my brother." Today's lessons might say, "It's not heavy; it's my cross."
God bless your worship!
FIRST READING: Job 1:13-22, Equipped with Christlike Strength
SECOND READING: Romans 5:1-11, The blessed cross develops perseverance, character, hope
GOSPEL: Mark 8:31-38, Deny yourself; carry your cross; follow Jesus
SERMON: Job 1:13-22 “Equipped with Christlike Strength”
10:45am Livestream
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