3/20/2022 - False Security Is Crushed By Faithful Presence


When someone is devastated or defeated or despondent we speak of him being "crushed." It could be due to some agonizing loss or unrealized dreams. It could be due to carrying a crushingly heavy load of guilt over some past mistake. In a broken world, it is simply a matter of time before we feel crushed. This is why we need Lent. The word Lent comes from an Old English word for Spring: "lengten," when the days grow longer. For 1400 years the Church has set aside the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter as a time of repentance and renewal. Believers humbly acknowledge that sin is the ultimate source of all the crushing moments in life. Our sin even crushed Christ. Yet, on Easter Sunday, Jesus took up his life again. Our Savior crushed both death and the serpent's head. Yes, Lent is a solemn season. But it is also a season of great hope. With the psalmist we say, "The Lord saves those who are crushed in spirit."

March 6 - Our Temptation Is Crushed By Christ's Obedience

March 13 - Shortcuts Are Crushed By Determination

March 20 - False Security Is Crushed By Faithful Presence

March 27 - Our Condemnation Is Crushed By God's Grace

April 3 - Human Rejection Is Crushed By Divine Exaltation

Third Sunday In Lent

Where is God? This is one of human beings' most frequently-asked and incorrectly-answered questions. We are tempted to believe that evidence of God's presence is found in outward circumstances. We equate good fortune with God's favor and bad fortune with his judgment. So, as long as nothing terrible is happening, God must not be too angry with us, right? We are free to go on sinning. Such foolish assumptions must be crushed. Therefore, God must constantly remind us where he intends to be found—in the gospel. He makes himself present in Word and sacraments. Because he is always present, we realize the urgent need to turn away from the sin he despises. Because his presence is graciously hidden, we are drawn to him for forgiveness rather than driven away from him in fear.

God bless your worship.

Vicar Justus McKenzie will preach on 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 "Is God Pleased With You?"

View or download this week’s service folder here

Watch our Sunday worship here

Leigh Webster