3/21/2021 - Christ Draws All Men to Himself
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Many fine Christians live with a worry that at some point they’ll be separated from God or lose their faith. Sometimes the worry is personal. Other times we’re concerned for our children or grandchildren or other close friends. Does the Bible offer any hope?
Today’s lessons serve as solid Gospel comfort that invite us to leave worry behind. Hebrews tells us about Christ’s obedience under God’s law and his willful suffering for the sake of the world. Jesus tells us that all people would be drawn to his cross where he would glorify the Father. To those who believe, God gives special comfort in Isaiah’s lesson. God is willing to pay any price for the sake of his redeemed children. Since he has given Christ as a ransom, we do not need to be afraid of anything, especially not the punishment that awaits those who are indifferent to God’s Word. God’s relationship with us has been restored. We are his treasured possession. Nothing in this world, not even death, can separate us from our loving God.
God’s unconditional love for all invites the whole world to see that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is for them personally. Even so, many turn away or ignore it. After further initiatives, the same people may harden themselves against God’s invitation. Yet God persists with his patient, gracious invitations. God gathers them close and exposes them to his glory so that he might win their hearts with his love. Jesus’ cross would draw all people to himself.
Contrast those who resist with those who believe Jesus’ saving work! They’re drawn to the cross, benefit daily from the full forgiveness of sins and a clean heart, live at peace with God and people. God’s blessing pursues them during life, and when they pass away they go home to heaven. As Paul quips, “if God is for us, who can be against us? Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ.”
God bless your worship.
First reading: Isaiah 43:1-7 God is with us, therefore we will not fear
Second reading: Hebrews 5:7-9 Christ, our obedient brother
Gospel: John 12:12-33 Jesus draws all men to himself
Psalm 121
Sermon text: Isaiah 43:1-7 Sermon theme: “God's Reckless Love”
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