3/2/2025: Transfiguration of Our Lord


“Epiphany” comes from a Greek word that means “reveal.” When someone has an epiphany, it’s not that reality changed. The way they see that reality is what changed, for a deeper truth has been revealed. An epiphany is an “a-ha!” moment causing us to look at things very differently.

In the Church Year, Epiphany is the season where we see Jesus begin his ministry, revealing the reason the Son of God came to earth. In this season we will come to understand that when we have Jesus in our lives, it does not always mean our reality drastically changes. It simply means that we see reality differently (and better). Jesus always provides an abundance of epiphany moments.


Would you look directly at the sun? Only if you wanted to burn your retinas and have permanent blind spots. Would you like to look directly at God? It sounds wonderful in theory. Yet Scripture describes God’s glory as being brighter than the sun. Moreover, one component of God’s glory is his holiness. Being holy doesn’t just mean God loves good; he also hates evil with burning intensity. And we sin every day. No wonder the Lord once told Moses, “No one may see me and live” (Exodus 33:20). Sinners would die of fear if they saw God in all his holy glory.

So, how then can we possibly know God? How can we draw near to him without dying of terror? In our final epiphany moment of this season, God explains. God hides his glory in order to reveal himself. To carry out his good and glorious work of salvation, Jesus hid his glory and went to the cross. To allow sinners to stare at his glory without fear or harm, God hides it in the gospel. In the gospel, we see the glory of Christ’s love, power, and salvation. The reality is that when God’s glory is hidden, it is most on display.

God bless your worship.

Pastor Adam Mueller preaches on 2 Corinthians 3:7–18:

“The Glorious Gospel is God’s Final Word“

Fading glory

Greater glory

Ever increasing glory

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Leigh Webster