3/26/2025: Midweek Lent 3
It is one of the most common prayers of God’s child. “Lord, have mercy!” Mercy is the withholding of punishment or negative consequences that a guilty person deserves. Thus, when we pray, “Lord, have mercy,” 1) we are acknowledging that we have lived in ways deserving of God’s condemnation and punishment, and 2) we are begging God to not condemn or punish us. How important is that prayer? If you cannot say it with sincerity, you cannot be saved. For if you cannot speak that prayer, you cannot possibly believe you need a Savior. Therefore, God gave us his law, in part, so that we would see our need for mercy. St. Paul writes, “I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law” (Romans 7:7). And God gave us the gospel that we might know he has shown us mercy.
Thus, it is good and right that in this solemn season of Lent, we would review God’s law as revealed in the Ten Commandments and connect it with Christ’s passion. We will how we have shattered all the Commandments and are deserving of punishment. However, will we also see how Jesus took the suffering we deserved upon himself. Seeing both, may the Spirit empower us to pray, “Lord, have mercy!” and confidently believe that in Christ, we have God’s mercy in inexhaustible abundance.
“Let us make mankind in our image” (Genesis 1:26). God’s intent was that being made in his image, mankind would not only live in close communion with him, but that we would reflect God’s love and care in our dealings with each other. The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments are all about different aspects of healthy human relationships: respect and obedience for those God places in a position of authority; valuing and defending the life and well-being of others; expressing relational bonds, particularly marriage, in appropriate ways. God wants us to treasure our fellow man. Yet, in virtually every type of relationship that can exist—parent and child, husband and wife, employer and employee, neighbor and neighbor—we invent new ways to hurt one other.
Breaking these Commandments shows how we feel about our fellow man. More, that disobedience speaks volumes about how we really feel about our God. Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. . . Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not due for me” (Matthew 25:40,45). This week we see that Jesus is the only one who lives up to God’s expectations of how we should treat each other. So, in Lenten faith, we cry out to him, “Lord, have mercy for treating others like trash, not treasure!”
Our worship follows this pattern.
Midweek 1 ...............................For Our Incessant Idolatry
Midweek 2 ...............................For Demonstrating Irreverence and Despising Your Rest
Midweek 3 ...............................For Treating Others Like Trash, Not Treasure
Midweek 4 ...............................For Failing to Live With Integrity
Midweek 5 ...............................For Abusing Your Commandments
PastorJohn Hartmann preaches on Hebrews 4:1-12
Watch service online. (Wednesday, 4:30PM MST)
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