3/29/2020: “Trust the One with Power Over Death”
JESUS HAS POWER OVER DEATH: 5th Sunday in Lent, March 29, 2020
(Service will be live-streamed Sunday, 3/29 at 10:45am) https://www.youtube.com/user/RedeemerTucson/ Service folder PDF )
There has been a lot of focus on disease and death in the news lately, and there seems to be a lot of fear in people’s everyday lives. So far worldwide Coronavirus has infected more than 450,000 people and killed more than 20,000 people. How is a Christian to act in the midst of this? Well, our lessons today focus on life and death as well. The Shunammite woman had been barren, but through Elijah God gave her a son...and years later that son died. She was heartbroken, asking why she was given the son for him to die. And then through Elijah God showed his power over death and restored her son to her.
In Romans we are reminded that real life comes from the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. Then we are reminded that whatever are present sufferings are, they won’t even be worth mentioning compared to the glory that will be revealed in us!
And our Gospel lesson is the well-known story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead…after he had been dead four days and his body was already decaying (and stunk). Do we need a more vivid portrayal of God’s power over death, and also his power over everything happening right now? Whatever the outcome, we know God is still in heaven ruling all things. Trust the one who has power over death and gives life.
God bless your worship!
► Readings:
• 2 Kings 4:17-37: God brings life from death.
• Romans 8:11-19: The Spirit gives life.
• John 11:17-27, 38-45: Jesus shows his power over death.
• Psalm: 130
► Sermon theme on John 11:17-27, 38-45: "Trust the One with Power over Death" (Sermon video) (Sermon text) (Full service video) (Service folder PDF)
Catch our service live or watch recorded.
Service will be live-streamed on Sunday, March 29 at 10:45am. https://www.youtube.com/user/RedeemerTucson/
Service folder PDF