3/7/2021 - Jesus Is Zealous to Do His Father's Will
Third Sunday in Lent
Sometimes we go through periods of life in which we are mostly on auto-pilot. Life is happening in and around us, but we trudge on, unfazed. At some point we step back from it all, take inventory of our life and wonder how we drifted so far. How did we really get here?
The Jews in today's Gospel lesson are an example. There they were in the temple courts, mindlessly exercising capitalism. So blinded by their greedy consumerism they never bothered to consider that their behavior had shamefully erected an idol in God's house!
We don't often see Jesus angry. His righteous indignation in John 2 is impossible to miss. In both word and deed, Jesus demonstrated zeal for God's house and God's word. He turned over tables and rebuked those Jews who had turned the house of God into a den of thieves.
Jesus' integrity for his house and God's word is just as intense today as it was then. If he were to visit you, would he find a life occupied with capitalistic consumerism, or a life that is equally zealous for his word? As Jesus speaks to you today, maybe it's time that he turn over a few tables in your heart, too.
Many think of Jesus as perpetually gentle and kind. When it comes to rescuing you from sin, there is nothing gentle about it. Sin needs to be ripped out, crucified and killed. In today's lessons, Jesus demonstrates himself to be our only Savior, first by his holy integrity to the third commandment, and then through his cross where he endured the violence of my disobedience.
God bless your worship!
Exodus 20:1-17 - God is zealous about his law
1Corinthians 1:18-25 - The Gospel - foolish to man, but the power of God
John 2:13-22 - Jesus' zeal for God's house, where Law & Gospel are proclaimed
Psalm 19
SERMON: Exodus 20:1-17 “God Really Wants Your Heart”
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