5/9/2021 - Christ Conquers Satan: Whose Side Are You On?
Christ Conquers Satan: Whose Side Are You On?
My daughter observed the other day that "most of the songs on the radio are about love." That is a very clever insight for someone so young. Music - especially love songs - have always been valuable as entertainment. But ask yourself: has all that singing about love done the world any good? The level of anger, violence, and frustration is as great as it has ever been!
The world needs something more than radio songs about love that do nothing other than collect royalties. What the world really needs is God's love. That's the consistent message of today's lessons. Tabitha was well known for exceeding the love limit! Her love and good deeds were well known throughout the church. Poor people depended on her. When she passed away, the church mourned - that is, until Peter performed a miracle causing many people to believe in the Lord.
John speaks about love more than any other Bible writer. In his epistle, John reasons, "Love comes from God, so let us love one another." He explains that love originates with God. He connects God’s love with sacrifice and eternal life, and explains that God’s love is the living power that stimulates our own love. In the Gospel, Jesus invites us into the same love God enjoys. Both the Father and the Son love each other and us. Remain in that love, and obey God. Obedience to God is friendship with God.
Famously, the Beatles sang, "All you need is love." The Beatles had it right. All you need is love. God is love. Therefore, all you need is God! God bless your worship.
READINGS First reading: Acts 9:36-42 Love demonstrated by Tabitha and Peter
Second reading: 1 John 4:7-11, 19-21 We love because he first loved us
Gospel: John 15:9-17 Remain in God's love and obey God's commands
Sermon text: 1 John 4:7-11, 19-21 “God is the Wellspring of Love”
Sunday services: 8:00am & 10:45am