4/9/2020 Maundy Thursday: "The Battle Is Personal”
HOLY (MAUNDY) THURSDAY: Just as Ash Wednesday begins Lent, so Maundy Thursday marks the end of Lent proper and the beginning of the Three Holy Days of Christendom (the Triduum). The theme of the celebration is the Lord’s new command (mandatus, Latin, became Maundy in Old English) to his disciples of all time to love each other as he has loved. The institution of the Lord’s Supper sets forth the depth of Jesus’ love and gives power to the church to live out his command. As with Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday occupies a unique place in the church calendar. It is a festival in which reconciliation is solemnly expressed and in which the congregation makes its transition from preparation for the celebration of the mystery of the Passion and Resurrection, to the celebration itself.
Maundy Thursday service is provided to you in PDF form (no service livestream) to assist the head of each household to lead a family midweek Lenten devotion. Please note that the complete sermon text and links to hymn music have been included inside the bulletin PDF itself - no other attachments are needed.
We hope this helps with your family devotion as we continue to follow Christ’s journey to the cross.
God bless your worship!
Maundy Thursday theme: “The Son of God Goes Forth To War: The Battle Is Personal”