6/26/2022: Through the Word, Christ Creates Committed Followers


“Let there be light,” God said (Genesis 1:3). God was not speaking a wistful wish into the darkness. He was declaring what would now be. “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” God speaks and reality results.

When we speak words, they are often meaningless. Sometimes, one’s words are meaningless because they are spoken without true knowledge. Other times, one’s words are meaningless because they were spoken insincerely. Still other times, one might make a sincere promise, but he lacks the ability to do what he said, making his promise meaningless. Words are often meaningless. But everything God says is meaningful. God speaks with absolute knowledge. God never lies. And God’s words possess God’s awesome power. Thus, it is God’s words that determine our reality. It is God’s words that establish our faith, transform our hearts and minds, and direct our lives along meaningful paths.

During the first half of the Church Year, we focused on the life of Christ. As we begin the second half of the Church Year, we turn our attention to the teachings of Christ…to the Son of God’s words. We gather each week to let the Holy Spirit do the work Jesus promised he would do in the way Jesus promised he would do it—through his Word.


There’s the type of fan who follows his team if they make the playoffs. Then there’s the type of fan who, regardless of his team’s record, watches every game and knows the stats for every player. There are different types of followers: the half-hearted versus the committed. Jesus is uninterested in half-hearted followers who shoehorn him into their lives only when their other pursuits provide time for the Christ. Jesus wants followers who are all-in…who love him above all things…who would be willing to leave everything else behind if that were what it would take to be with him. We simply do not have it in us to produce that level of commitment. But Jesus’ words have Jesus’ power. In his gospel Jesus explains how he went all in for our salvation. He tells us he left the comforts of heaven behind to come rescue us. And through those words Christ creates within us the very commitment that he seeks.

God bless your worship.

Vicar Justus McKenzie will preach on 1 Kings 19:19-21 “Committed to the Gospel”

View or download this week’s service folder here

Watch our Sunday worship here.

Leigh Webster