7/5/2020 - Honor God's Representatives
LOVE FOR GOD'S REPRESENTATIVES: Sundays after Pentecost, July 5, 2020
The focus of our attention during the three great festivals of the church - Christmas, Easter and Pentecost - is the life of Christ. With his ascension into heaven and his sending of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the focus of our lessons and services makes a decided turn. From now until Advent, the focus of our worship services assumes we believe in Christ, and therefore now focuses on the life of the Christian.
Love for God's Glory
Love for God's Reputation
Love for God's Word
Love for God's Gift of Life
► Love for God's Representatives
Love for God's Gift of Marriage
Love for God's Gift of Possessions
Love for God's Gift of Reputation
Love for Contentment
Honor your father and mother, that it may go well with you
and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.
What does this mean?
We should fear and love God that we do not dishonor or anger our parents and others in authority, but honor, serve, and obey them, and give them love and respect.
► Readings:
• Exodus 33:12-23: Moses asks to see the LORD's glory.
• Romans 7:15-25: Jesus Christ rescues us from our body of sin.
• Matthew 11:25-30: Rest comes from Jesus.
• Psalm: 62
► Summer Sermon Series, The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:12: "Honor God's Representatives"
8am & 10:45am services with accommodations will be held on campus. Please go to our website for guideline details.
10:45am service is live-streamed at https://www.youtube.com/RedeemerTucson