8/16/2020 - Handle It with Faith
What does it mean that the Jews are God’s “chosen people?” Does God love them more than other people? Are they entitled to special spiritual perks or privileges? Are they saved differently than Gentiles (a Gentile is everyone who is non-Jewish)? When God receives people into heaven, are the in line ahead of the rest of us?
Perhaps today’s service theme, “The Church is for All People,” already answers some of those questions. Already 700 years before Jesus was born, Isaiah taught the Jews that God intended salvation to be universal. Through faith, “all who keep the Sabbath” (not only Jews) will be brought to God’s holy mountain, and their sacrifices will be accepted. Later, Paul reasons that both Jews and Gentiles are united by forgiveness inside the Holy Christian Church. Gentiles are “no longer foreigners or aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people.”
When the Bible calls the Jews his “chosen people,” God means to say that of all the nations on earth he picked the Jews to the nation from which the Savior would come. By lineage, Jesus was born to Jewish parents. The value and benefit of his work, however, expands to people of all nations. Jesus’ demonstrated that in this morning’s Gospel. When a Gentile women pleaded for Jesus to release her daughter of demon possession, Jesus complimented her faith and granted her prayer. God loves the world. Jesus came for all.
In a world that seems intent on dividing people, today’s lessons are refreshingly unifying. God welcomes Jews and Gentiles to worship together, then he welcomes men and women, young and old, whites and blacks, Democrats and Republicans, etc. There is a place in the Church for everybody. God grant that his church be filled. May the Holy Spirit enrich your worship with his wisdom.
► Readings:
• Ephesians 2:13-22: Fellow citizens and member of God's household
• Matthew 15:21-28: Jesus casts out a demon
• Matthew 15:21-28: Sermon theme: Handle It with Faith
• Psalm: 133/134
► Sermon theme on Matthew 15:21-28: “Handle It with Faith”
8am & 10:45am services with accommodations will be held on campus.
10:45am service will also be live-streamed at https://www.youtube.com/RedeemerTucson