8/30/2020 - Christ Teaches Us Value
Oh, the ups and downs of Christianity. Shortly after Peter's brilliant confession of Jesus - "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" - he turned around and stuck his foot in his mouth. Jesus had been explaining the necessity of his suffering and death, but Peter rebuked Jesus and told him “Never!"
Jesus' answer to Peter shapes the theme of our worship today. The Church is militant. As long as we're on earth, we're in a fight. Your primary enemy might surprise you. It's you! Our constant fight is against our personal sin. We'll also need to fight an increasingly godless world around us, as well as the devil and demons themselves.
The way Jesus explained that to Peter was to "take up our cross and follow Jesus." Following Jesus is first of all a matter of believing and confessing, but then it is a matter of applied living - shunning sin, obeying God, serving our fellow man. That takes sacrifice. That means denying yourself.
Jesus never preached heaven on earth, and there never will be. Just the opposite. First the cross, then the crown. This world is a fight and a struggle, after which we'll be glorified in heaven. Jesus' own life served as exhibit "A." After he endured the cross, he was raised to the right hand of God in heaven.
God bless your worship.
► Readings:
• Jeremiah 15:15-21: Jeremiah denies himself to preach repentance to Judah
• Romans 8:18-25: Earthly suffering incomparable to heavenly glory
• Matthew 16:21-26: Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Christ
• Psalm 121
► Sermon theme on Matthew 16:21-26: “Christ Teaches Us Value”
8am & 10:45am services with accommodations will be held on campus.
10:45am service also livestreamed on our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/RedeemerTucson
8/30 service folder