9/25/2022: Truth In Love


Redeemer is pleased to welcome Pastor Richard Starr.  Pastor Starr currently works with Truth in Love Ministry, a targeted outreach ministry to Mormons.  Mormons, also known as "LDS" or "Latter Day Saints," subscribe to the Bible nominally.  However, they typically use the Bible to lure people into what they believe is a further revelation, The Book of Mormon.  Mormons do not believe in a Triune God.  Since their salvation depends on their personal behavior, they are very moral people.  Pastor Starr will teach us about the tremendous pressure Mormons are under to be perfect, and the great opportunity we have to show them the God of the Bible, the forgiveness of sins, and God's grace in Christ.  He will expand on Mormon beliefs in a question and answer session during our regular Bible class hour.

Today's readings teach that God is sending you to witness to Mormons.  God sent Jonah to the people in Nineveh, even though Jonah resisted at first.  Paul teaches a similar lesson, reasoning, "How will anyone believe unless they witness, and the witnesses are sent?"  Similarly, Jesus teaches us to pray for Christian witnesses to be sent into the harvest field, and then includes each of us as his answer to that prayer.

Mormons have a sizable presence in our area - it's likely you know someone who is LDS.  They're trapped by their church, victimized by a rigorous legalism that offers no hope.  Their lives might look moral and shiny on the outside, but in reality they are hurting.  We have what they need!  They are desperate to know Christ, to understand forgiveness, to learn about grace.  God is sending you.  Will you heed the call?

God bless your worship - and your mission!

Guest pastor, Richard Starr will preach on Matthew 5:48 "Be Perfect"

View the service folder.

Watch the livestream.

Leigh Webster