9/5/2021 - Jesus Does Everything Well
From time to time you run into someone who seems to be good at everything. They are life's achievers; they can calculate math in their heads, they know the difference between Mozart and Beethoven. They can stand in front of a crowd and speak articulately, they're athletic, well read, and musical. They can change their own oil and fix their own AC units, and then in the evening can cook a gourmet meal and knowledgeably discuss the difference between a 2011 Bordeaux and a 2017 vintage. There's a term for someone who's good at everything. Those people are called "Renaissance Men."
That seems to be the crowd's consensus of Jesus, too. "He's done everything well!" By this time in Jesus' ministry, the people knew he could unfold the Scriptures "with authority, not like the teachers of the law." He was also able to feed 5,000, walk on water, and cast out demons. Maybe you'd expect a person as talented as that to be aloof and out of touch. But Jesus was a man of the people. He was approachable. Isaiah’s lesson suggests the Messiah would be know by his miracles. In today's lesson, people brought him a man who was both deaf and mute, and Jesus healed him, proving he was the Messiah who was promised.
Jesus' miracles prove more than that he's a Renaissance man. They prove he's holy God. That's a simple truth, but an important one never to forget. It takes no talent for a man to die, but it takes a holy God for a death to count for the world. Everyone is subjected to God's perfect will, but only a holy God could keep it perfectly. What's impossible for you and me is possible for Jesus who has done everything well.
God bless your worship.
FIRST READING: Isaiah 35:4-7a, The Messiah will be identified by his miracles
SECONDREADING: Acts 3:1-10, A lifelong cripple praises God after he is healed
GOSPEL: Mark 7:31-37, Jesus heals a man both deaf and mute
PSALM: 146
SERMON TEXT: Acts 3:1-10
SERMON THEME: “We Are Something New” (Guest Preacher, Pastor Richard Starr)
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