Back to Basics
Christian Education Sunday - August 11, 2019
This Sunday is Christian Education Sunday. We officially kick off a new year of Sunday School and Sunday afternoon at 4:00pm, our Lutheran Elementary School will have their opening service and classes begin on Monday. There is a lot of stress for both teachers and students getting ready for school to begin and so the words before us are well-timed: Don't worry!
Abraham worried about the son God had promised. God renewed his promise and pointed Abraham to the stars — that’s what his offspring would be like. Abraham believed.
How well does it work to tell someone who is worrying, "Don't worry"? For you and me that doesn't work so well, but God does and he shows us why: we have his promise. God provides for every plant and every creature. By the way, the number of birds in the world is estimated at 400 billion. Is God going to forget about you? With taking care of so many other things someone might think so, but God's point is that we are even more important than the flowers and the birds.
So what good does worrying do? After all, don't we just worry about things we can't control anyway? Leave it in God's very capable hands. "But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." Words we do well to trust and take to heart.
► Readings:
• Genesis 15:1-6: Abraham believed God’s promise.
• Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16: Faith is in the Creator, not what we can see.
• Luke 12:22-34: Trust drives out worry.
• Psalm: 121
► Sermon theme: "Back to Basics"