God Calls us to Gigantic Generosity
God Calls us to Gigantic Generosity
In their zeal to make sure you know how deeply God loves your soul, some pastors neglect talking about bodily needs, or speak in ways that almost suggest that God is uninterested in our physical welfare. They observe that when Jesus prayed the Lord's Prayer, six out of the seven petitions he taught us to pray were asking for spiritual, not physical blessings. That's true, but Jesus did still use one petition for physical blessings so that we would receive our bodily blessings with thanks.
God loves us, and that means he loves us body and soul. He died to redeem our souls, but he was bodily raised to life and promised that he will also raise our bodies on the last day, too. When we go to heaven, there won't just be shapeless floating souls you see! We will have bodies just like we have now.
This week's lessons take a moment to thank God for his many gifts of daily bread and physical blessings. Everyone can relate to Noah's thanksgiving. He had been cooped up on an ark full of smelly animals for more than a year! Besides, since he lived through a worldwide flood, he probably wondered whether he would ever see dry ground again. How did Noah say thanks? He held a church service, built and altar, and sacrificed to God.
Paul teaches the church in Corinth about the close connection between thanksgiving and generosity. The most common reason people are stingy with God (especially with their church offerings) is that they think they won't have enough for themselves. The Bible teaches the exact opposite. When your heart is thankful and you sow generously with God, he'll see to it that you also will reap generously.
The happy part of the ten lepers is that Jesus healed all of them. The disappointing part is that only one said thank you. Let this serve as a sober reminder that every good and perfect gift of body and soul comes from God; everything we have and are we owe to him. Set aside time every day to say thank you.
► Readings:
• Genesis 8:15-22: Noah thanks God for delivering him from the flood.
• 2 Corinthians 9:10-15: Christian generosity results in thanksgiving to God.
• Luke 17:11-19: The Samaritan leper thanks God for his healing.
• Psalm: 111
► Sermon theme: "God Calls us to Gigantic Generosity!"