Strive for Sanctification


6th Sunday after the Epiphany, February 16, 2020

People speak rather freely about God’s will, insisting that they know what it is. Oftentimes this sounds like shallow self-justification for behaviors they know are wrong. Most people will openly admit that outward and gross sins are certainly wrong, but thinking or speaking evil is acceptable. So, lusting is ok, but committing adultery is not? That goofy thinking is both illogical and contrary to God's will.

God tells us exactly what his will is in the Bible. In this week's readings, you'll hear God's call to us to pursue a holy life in thoughts, words and deeds. David serves as a useful negative example. Israel was arguably at the pinnacle of their existence under David’s rule, both in dominion and economy. Yet David played around with sin, and it mastered him! Despite David’s courageous confessions as a young man, his bold faith against the Philistine, he still caved to lust, disgraced himself, his family, his nation, and his God by falling into several openly gross sins. Sin always begins in the heart, and quickly moves to the head, tongue and hands.

The premise of godly Chrisitan living always presupposes faith in Christ. We love because he first loved us. The way a Christian thinks is, "how can my behavior please God?" That useful question is answered very clearly in Paul's letter where he instructs us to avoid various bad behaviors, and to pursue other godly ones. Listen carefully to the list. Then Jesus explains to his disciples that not only our outward behavior, but also our thoughts and words should be pure.

In pure grace, Jesus cleanses us of every disgraceful lapse. His forgiveness in our daily power to fight temptation and sin, and even refuse it. Faith rules our hearts in such a demonstrable way that it even leads us to purity, chastity, goodness, kindness, self-control, and many more fruits of the Spirit. That’s a life worth living.

► Readings:

• 2 Samuel 11:1-17, 26-27: David & Bathsheba.

• 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12: God calls us to holy living.

• Matthew 5:21-37: Be holy in thought, word and deed.

• Psalm: 119

► Sermon theme on 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12: "Strive for Sanctification" (Sermon Video) (Sermon transcript)

Leigh Webster