11/13/2022: A Day of Terror For All Those Who Troubled God's People


Certain days mean different things to different people. Next June 10th might mean nothing to you… or… it might be the day you get married. Mother’s Day can be a day of great joy to the woman with three children, all of whom profess their love and appreciation on that day. That same day can be extremely painful for the woman who has never been able to have children. Certain days mean different things to different people.

That will be most true on the Last Day. On his calendar, God has written in ink the day when Jesus will return to “judge the living and the dead” (Apostles’ Creed). In the final weeks of the church year it is natural for us to think about that Last Day and what it means. The Last Day will mean very different things to different people.


Our world is full of victims of abuse, violence, and oppression. In many cases, this evil goes unnoticed or unpunished. Injustice can drive victims in two possible directions. They can be filled with despair over the unfairness of the situation. Or they can be filled with hatred and a desire for revenge. While Christians wait for Christ’s return on the Last Day, they are by no means the only ones who suffer at the hands of others. They are, however, often included among them. Believers have always faced opposition from a world who rejects the one we believe in. When we suffer, what are our options? Do we throw up our hands in despair? Do we take matters into our own hands and seek vengeance? The certainty of that Last Day gives us a better option. We can leave justice up to the Judge. We can be confident that on the Last Day every wrong will be righted. We can look forward to the Last Day—also known as Judgment Day—because we are confident of where we stand with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

God bless your worship.

Vicar Micah Otto will preach on Luke 21:5-19 “Christ in the Chaos”

View the service folder.

Watch the livestream.

Leigh Webster