11/20/2022: Christ the King Sunday

Christ the King Sunday

Songwriters have wondered rhetorically how the world would be different if only we were able to be made king for a day. The thought is temporarily intoxicating. Imagine what you could accomplish? The reality is that we probably wouldn't want the job, even for a day. And, even if we did, the person who was given the job the next day would probably undo everything we did!

Far better than any of us as kings for a day is the truth that Christ is King forever! There is no greater position or higher throne than the one upon which Jesus sits. Today we remember that Christ is our King, that he is eternal, that his kingdom is eternal, and that he is worthy to rule because he has almighty power. How blessed we are to live in the peace of Jesus' gracious kingdom.

Every lesson portrays Jesus as King. Luke's familiar words are borrowed from Jesus' crucifixion in which onlookers mocked his "kingship." In a wonderful juxtaposition, the thief next to him properly recognized his authority. Jeremiah promises a "King who will reign wisely" with the Gospel. Paul gushes over Jesus' regal power, exhibited in creation, redemption, and his final deliverance of the church. Psalm 95 (from which the famous Te Deum Laudamus is drafted) calls on the world to praise Christ, our King.

It's one thing to imagine what we might do if we were king for a day. Those thoughts usually stem from some kind of dissatisfaction with the current regime. It is entirely another thing to humbly and gratefully acknowledge that the man who has the job now is ruling brilliantly! We trust his leadership, honor his authority, and eagerly look to advance his kingdom. God bless the worship of your King.

Pastor Adam Mueller will preach on Luke 23:35–43, “Save Yourself!”

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Leigh Webster