12/25/2020 - The Word Became Flesh
Christmas day
Christmas is both a day and a season. During the twelve days of Christmas (December 25 through January 5), we continue our celebration of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who was born of the Virgin Mary to be our brother and our Savior.
A careful look at the readings quickly reveals the unique nature of God's infant gift. In the reading from Micah, God explains that the baby will be born in Bethlehem. Since there were a couple towns with the name Bethlehem, Micah even specifies that Christ would be born in Bethlehem that was in Ephratha. Further, the one to be born would have "ancient origins," would "rule all of Israel," "his greatness will reach the end of the earth," and "he will be their peace." Paul amplifies our Christmas comfort when he teaches "we will receive the full rights of sons," and "God has made us heirs." Finally, with a colorful image, John tells us that Jesus left heaven for earth to "pitch his tent" as a human. The meek Bethlehem baby was at the same time the creator of all things, and through faith in him we, too, become God's children.
From heaven above to earth I come
To bear good news to ev'ry home;
Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
Whereof I now will say and sing! (CW 38:1)
God bless your Christmas Day worship!