12/27/2020 - Our Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation

First Sunday after Christmas

The word "peace" means different things to different people, but in general is means no more anger or fighting.  World peace means that nations can coexist without threat of war.  When a parent wants peace and quiet, they typically envision children cooperating and playing nicely.

The Bible speaks of that kind of peace, too.  More prominent in the Bible, though, is the peace that exists between man and God.  That peace didn't always exist, and in many cases today still doesn't.  Our sinfulness makes us hostile toward God, and God hostile toward us.  Jesus, though, took our sin away by becoming a man and then dying on a cross.  Because Jesus paid for our sin, the main thing that cause anger and fighting between God and man is gone.  Through Jesus, we are at peace with God.

Some people reject the notion of God.  Others seem to be happier when they're angry at God, or can blame him for the misfortunes in life.  Still others would rather not give God their sins; they're having too much fun committing them!  Everyone who rejects Jesus still lives in their sin, and therefore has no peace with God.

Nevertheless, God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.  Even when man wants war, God wants peace.  The fact that he sent Christ is his proof.  Lying in the manger is God's living, breathing bundle of peace.  When Simeon saw Jesus, he confessed as much, "Lord, I've seen salvation.  I can now go in peace."

God bless your worship!

First reading: 1 Kings 8:6-13 - The glory of the Lord fills the temple

Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 - Simeon and Anna meet Jesus in the temple

Sermon: Colossians 3:12-17 - Theme: Distinguish Your Life with Christian Virtue

10:45am Livestream Video

12/27/2020 Service folder

Leigh Webster