1/3/2021 - Jesus is Obedient to His Brothers
Psychologists like to argue that your personality is shaped by your childhood. The adult you eventually grow into is the product of the experiences of your youth, whether good or bad. Childhood patterns are so powerful that it is both difficult and unusual for someone to break free from those structures in adulthood.
And yet we know next to nothing about Jesus' childhood. Curious minds want to know more about what shaped Jesus as a kid. Was Jesus a normal kid? In the hymn, “Away in a Manger” we sing, “The little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes.” There aren’t any Bible verses that suggest Jesus never cried. Did he have to go to Hebrew grammar school and learn the alphabet? Was Jesus good at sports? Did his father ever teach him how to make a mortice and tenon joint?
God evidently didn’t think it valuable for us to know any of that. Aside from the Christmas story and flight to Egypt, there is only one story that tells us anything about Jesus’ childhood. As a 12-year old boy, Jesus was worshipping in the temple “as was his habit.” He demonstrated an amazing command of Scripture and theology. After his parents left without him, he calmed his worried mother and obediently returned with them to Nazareth.
Two support lessons add further insight. First we’ll read Moses’ account of the third and fourth commandment. Remember, Jesus was born of a woman, and born “under law.” God expected Christ to obey the 10 commandments perfectly, including the third and fourth commandment. Those are the two commandments we see Jesus fulfilling in the Gospel. A second reading from Hebrews teaches us that Jesus humanity makes him relatable to us. He knows what suffering is. He knows what dying is. He did both to free us from death and the devil. We have exactly the Savior we need!
God bless your worship!
First reading: Exodus 20:8-12: The third and fourth commandment
Second reading: Hebrews 2:10-18: Jesus shared our humanity
Gospel: Luke 2:41-52: The boy Jesus at the temple
Sermon text: Hebrews 2:10-18 Theme: He Shared Our Humanity