2/14/2021 - The Transfiguration of Our Lord
A remarkable miracle occurs in worship today. We glimpse the glory of God when Jesus is transfigured before a trio of disciples. With their own eyes they saw his face shine like the sun. What followed was a happy reunion with Moses and Elijah as the voice of God spoke from the heaven affirming Jesus as Savior.
Often our world looks much less glorious. Sin - our own and others - makes it look downright bleak and ugly. Other diminish the role of Jesus either by likening him to just another cartoon character or at best a moralist - but certainly not God living among us. What a grim outlook. An endlessly ugly world with no solution! Jesus’ transfiguration dispels all that foolishness. There is nothing but the handprint of God on that mountain - the dead are raised, the voice from heaven, the radiant glory of Jesus. God is most certainly with us!
Jesus’ transfiguration provides the reassurance that Jesus is God. It provides grounding in our lives. In a world where you never know who’s telling the truth, we know the Bible is true. Peter makes the point that because he saw Jesus’ glory with his own eyes, we know the Bible is really God’s own word to man. We can listen to God and believe with confidence.
God bless your worship!
First reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12 Elijah taken to heavenly glory in a whirlwind
Second reading: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 The Gospel reveals the glory of God in the face of Christ
Sermon: Mark 9:2-9 “This is My Son”