3/28/2021 - Hands of Praise
Every year, the sixth Sunday of Lent celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Better known as "Palm Sunday," Jesus' fateful entry into the capital city happens four days before his institution of Holy Communion, five days before his crucifixion, and seven days before his resurrection. Together, the week beginning on Palm Sunday and lasting through Easter is referred to as "Holy Week."
The word “hosanna” is a Hebrew word that means “Lord, save us!” The crowds cried, “Hosanna!” at Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, and it is still the cry of Christians today. The Lord has saved us! Hosanna!
Palm Sunday
International warfare has looked different throughout the ages. At various times in history, the most common way of waging war was to string your bow, saddle up your horses and prepare your chariots. Then, you'd march against your enemy to see who would be left standing at the end.
That kind of warfare works better when your fight is against flesh and blood. Our fight, however, is not. Our fight is spiritual; it is against sin, against the devil, against death and hell. Old weapons like war-horses and chariots are just as useless as new weapons like Aegis missiles or stealth bombers against spiritual enemies.
If a horse was an animal of war, then a donkey is an animal of peace. It's a pack animal; it's not fast or agile. No one riding a donkey had designs on a surprise attack. Riding a donkey was a sign of humility. And that's the animal Jesus rode as he entered Jerusalem for the last time. The crowds sang and cheered, "Hosanna!" Zechariah explains why. This King is righteous and brings salvation from spiritual enemies!
Hosanna in the highest! God bless your worship.
First reading: Zechariah 9:9,10 Your King comes to you riding on a donkey.
Second reading: Philippians 2:5-11 Christ’s humility extends to Calvary.
Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 Blessed is Christ who comes in the name of the LORD!
Psalm 24
Sermon text: Mark 11:1-10 Sermon theme: “Hands of Praise”
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Watch the March 14 - 10:45am service live HERE.