4/18/2021 - The Risen Savior Sends Us with a Message of Repentance and Forgiveness

Third Sunday of Easter

God's Word for this Sunday presents an excellent review of the fundamentals of our Christian faith.  That faith finds its culmination in Christ’s Easter victory with the assurance of the forgiveness of sins.  Where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation!

During the Easter season, our first lessons (and sermon texts) shift to the book of Acts.  Acts is a continuation of the story of the Gospels and tells how the word of the Lord progressed throughout the world after Jesus' resurrection and ascension.  Since the word of the Lord was being rejected by the Jews, God would take it to the Gentiles.  Acts shows how this was fulfilled through rigorous lay mission work with pastoral follow up.

As always, the Gospel sets the theme.  There Jesus commissions his disciples to preach repentance and forgiveness.  How could they do that?  Because - as John writes - we are forgiven and purified, we've overcome the world, and we have fellowship with Christ.  That's the heart of faith you see demonstrated in Acts.  Peter witnesses to the same crowd who killed Christ.  Don't you want God to give you another chance, too?  Grace abounds.

God bless your worship.

READINGS: Acts 3:11-20, 1 John 1:5-2:2, Luke 24:36-49, Psalm 150


Leigh Webster