4/26/2020 - Third Sunday of Easter
A common theme of dealing with life on this side of heaven is discouragement. Discouragement comes As long as the earth endures, people will continue to deal with problems far more contagious than a virus. Today's lessons address a very common problem, discouragement. Discouragement comes easily and can be hard to shake. Since discouragement grips people so tightly, it can also be true that discouraged people drag others down, too.
How valuable is a little encouragement from the risen Lord? Today, Jesus lives to restore our hope. Think of the discouraged ladies walking to the tomb. Their attitudes turned when they saw the risen Lord. How about the discouraged disciples in the upper room, first without and then with Thomas. Their discouragement changed to hope when Jesus showed himself to them! Today’s lesson shows Jesus reviving the hope of the Emmaus disciples.
The hope we have in Christ is much different than earthly hope that may come from "flattening the curve," opening business or playing sports again. When our hopes are tied to those things, we'll always be at risk to be discouraged by the results or let down again. On the other hand, when spiritual enemies like sin, devil, hell and death are conquered, the resulting hope is both pervasive and lasting. At the mere suggestion of Christ, both discouragement and the devil run away. As Peter says, “...and so your faith and your hope are in God.” Grant us Lord, this hope for Jesus' sake!
God bless your worship.
Second lesson: 1 Peter 1:17-21 Redeemed by Jesus' blood
Gospel: Luke 24:13-35 Jesus appears to the disciples on the road to Emmaus
Psalm 116
Acts 2:14a, 32-41 - The Source of All Hope is Christ (Sermon video) (Sermon text)