5/3/2020 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
HE LIVES TO BE MY GOOD SHEPHERD: 4th Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2020
The fourth Sunday in Easter holds a special place in the church. It is “Good Shepherd” Sunday. The lessons today will unfold the themes that we are Jesus’ little lambs, his sheep, members of his flock, and that Jesus leads and guides us as only the Good Shepherd can.
The Gospel describes Jesus as the gate through which the sheep enter. There are others who prey on the sheep — they don’t enter through the gate. They espouse ways to eternal life other than Christ. Jesus calls them thieves and robbers. Only those will be saved who enter heaven through Jesus. Jesus pastoral care is on display — he provides pasture (feeds with the word of God) and safety (protects with his almighty power) and calls the sheep by name.
The other two support lessons provide an excellent commentary on the behavior of the sheep when they are genuinely connected to their Good Shepherd. When my relationship with Christ is strong and secure, I show it by being devoted to public worship, holy communion, and Bible study. I’ll also support the Gospel with my generous offerings, and support my fellow Christians with my hospitality. Peter even mentions that we’re willing to carry our cross by enduring suffering, whether fair or unfair. The Christian adopts the attitude, “sometimes it’s right to be wronged.”
No Good Shepherd Sunday is complete without Psalm 23. You will hear it repeated throughout the service in both word and song. Contemplate God’s initiative in those words. “He leads, he guides, he restores, he is with me, he prepares, he anoints.” And then, contemplate the faith-filled response of the Christian who listens to the Good Shepherd’s voice. “I lack nothing (contentment), I fear no evil (security), they comfort me.”
God bless your worship of the Good Shepherd!
► Readings:
• Acts 2:42-47: The fellowship of believers.
• 1 Peter 2:19-25: Sometimes it's right to be wronged.
• John 10:1-10: Jesus is the gate for the sheep.
• Psalm: 23
► Sermon theme on Acts 2:42-47: "Christians are Devoted to These Things" (Service folder PDF) (Entire Service Video) (Sermon only Video) (Sermon Text)
Catch our service live or watch recorded. Service will be live-streamed Sunday, 5/3 at 10:45am (MST-AZ).