5/17/2020 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
HE LIVES TO CALL ME TO LIVE FOR HIM: Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 17, 2020
God has established the family as the basic building block of society. Where the family is strong, it benefits the community and society around it. The reverse, of course, is also true. Central to strong families are flexible parents and children who obey. Parents often lament what a challenge it is for children to obey. They lay down the “house rules,” and expect compliance. When obedience does not follow, frustration and disciple are sure to follow.
We know God is our Father and we are his children. Would you call the 10 Commandments God’s house rules? How has your obedience been? When you have disobeyed God’s law, there is sure to be frustration and discipline to follow. The old saying is as true as it’s ever been, “We don’t break God’s commandments. We break ourselves against them.”
Have you every noticed that where there is a predominance of love in the home, the children are generally more amenable to the “house rules?” Similarly, God does not invite our obedience “because he said so,” but as an invitation to respond to his Fatherly love. “We love because he first loved us.”
Central to all of our lessons today is a the link between love and obedience. “If you love me, you’ll obey my commandments,” Jesus said. Paul encourages us “not to fear what they fear,” to be eager to do what’s good, to act with integrity before God even if men are unimpressed. He practiced what he preached. He introduced the pagan Athenians to the true God!
Just as strong families benefit community and society, strong Christians - obedient Christians - make for a thriving parish and Church. Listen carefully to the Word today. What encouragements to obey will God give to you today?
► Readings:
• Acts 17:22-31: Paul introduces the Athenians to the true God.
• 1 Peter 3:13-22: Always do what's right before God.
• John 14:15-21: Obeying God is what love truly is.
• Psalm: 66
► Sermon theme on Ephesians 4:1-6: "Love the Gospel" (Bulletin) (Sermon video) (Sermon transcript)