5/24/2020 - The Ascension of Our Lord
THE SON OF GOD IS ENTHRONED IN HEAVEN: The Ascension of Our Lord, May 24, 2020
Today we celebrate the Festival of the Ascension of our Lord. It is a day we remember when Christ returned in glory to rule all things for the good of his Church.
Forty days ago, the darkness of Lent was dispelled by the light of Easter. For forty days, the Church has cried, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” But forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, he departed from his disciples and was enthroned in glory in heaven. From heaven he rules all things as our Lord and King. Today we celebrate the day he ascended (“went up”) to glory. But he promised not to leave his disciples alone. He promised to send them the Holy Spirit. They waited ten more days, and then on the Festival of Pentecost (“fiftieth day”) they saw Jesus’ promise made good. Next Sunday, we will celebrate that 50th day, the day of Pentecost.
The faithful Christian lives as though this world has nothing to offer him. His mind is on things above; his soul eagerly anticipates heaven.
Today’s lessons powerfully reinforce the value of the yearning in our heart for eternity. So long as we’re on earth, we ought to expect the fallout and consequences of sin, including suffering and persecution. But we know this world is not the end, and we don’t live like it is. Neither do the struggles of a sinful world diminish our faith-filled joy as we wait in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.
Heaven is our home. Until we go home for good, let’s live and pray and worship and act and speak as though that’s where we’re going.
God bless your worship!
► Readings:
• Acts 1:1-11: Jesus ascends into heaven.
• Ephesians 1:15-23: The ascended Jesus rules over everything for the church.
• Luke 24:44-53: Repentance and forgiveness preached in Jesus' name.
• Psalm: 47
► Sermon theme on Acts 1:1-11: "What Are You Staring At?"