8/15/2021 - Those God Calls Receive the Bread of Life

Service information for Sunday, August 15, 2021

Jesus' ministry must have been perpetually frustrating. We recently learned that although he performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000, the disciples did not understand. To add insult to injury, the 5,000 people also missed the point. They wanted to haul Jesus away and make him a bread king. Do you also find it frustrating when those you serve in your vocation take you for granted, misunderstand your work, and redefine your role?

How patient a Savior we have! This morning's readings are a continuation of Jesus' earnest plea with the people to embrace him as Messiah and Savior. Rather than let the miracles speak for themselves — something the people routinely misunderstood — Jesus now speaks for himself both candidly and directly. He wants to shift the people's thinking from the worldly to the spiritual, from earthly existence to eternal life.

The people's reaction was predictable. They began to bellyache and grumble. They patronized Jesus, "Isn't this Joseph's son?" They rejected his claim to be from heaven. Although the Messiah was standing in their midst, they refused to believe. Their reaction is a powerful reminder that when the Gospel is preached, it is often met with foolish resistance. Do you remember the parable of the sower and the seed in Matthew 13? Unbelief is always the fault of the individual. People's condemnation is deserved!

Then pray with me, dear Christian, that the Father will draw us to him. Pray that our hearts may not be hardened with callousness to the Gospel. Pray that when the word is preached to you, you receive Jesus as the Bread of Life, your Messiah and Savior. When you do, Jesus’ promise is bold: "everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him will have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."

God bless your worship.


First reading: Proverbs 9:1-6; To the foolish, God provides wisdom and understanding.

Second reading: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16; God's wisdom is revealed by the Spirit.

Gospel: John 6:35-51; Look on the Son and believe.

Sermon text: Romans 5:1-11

Sermon theme: "A Time for Rejoicing"

Watch live on our YouTube channel Sunday, August 15 at 10:45am.

Download or view the weekly service folder.

Leigh Webster