8/22/2021 - Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?

Service information for Sunday, August 22, 2021

At the center of our lessons today is the honor and glory of God who has planned and prepared eternal life for you. Joshua, after he crossed the Jordan and spent his life and ministry conquering the promised land the LORD had given them, calls for a sit down with Israel's leaders. He invites them to throw away the idols they brought with them out of Egypt and serve the LORD. If he delivered Canaan as the promised land, he is to be trusted to deliver us to our heavenly promised land.

Joshua's predecessor was Moses. The author to the Hebrews gives us keen insight in to Moses life, explaining the sacrifices he made through faith. Although he grew up in Pharaoh's household, he gave up that lavish lifestyle to be counted as a God-fearing Hebrew. Through faith he suffered disgrace and stood up to Pharaoh "because he saw him who is invisible."

Our theme, though, is always borrowed from the Gospel. There Jesus uses a striking metaphor to explain that whoever believes in him has eternal life, but if you reject him you forsake that gift of God. Even after Jesus discourse, so many of his followers were offended by his teaching they just quit religion. Speaking to his disciples, Jesus asked, "Are you going to leave, too?" Their faith-filled answer, "Lord, where else will we go? You have the words of eternal life."

It's common to wonder why you go to church; why such a heavy investment in religion? Maybe you have friends or neighbors who press you on the same topic. Today's lessons answer why. Because when I'm caught in the here and now, stuck in the rut of worldliness, trapped by the pressures and stressed of this sin-filled world, God lifts me up and out of it and gives me hope. He's preparing a better place for us. And, he's promised to deliver it to us through Christ.

God bless your worship.


First reading: Joshua 24:1-2, 14-18; Serve the Lord with all faithfulness

Second reading: Hebrews 11:24-28; By faith God enables us to persevere.

Gospel: John 6:51-69; Jesus has the words of eternal life.

Sermon text: Joshua 24:1-2, 14-18

Sermon theme: “Serve the LORD”

Watch live on our YouTube channel Sunday, August 22 at 10:45am.

Download or view the weekly service folder.

Leigh Webster