9/19/2021 - Followers of Christ Are Humble Servants
Followers of Christ Are Humble Servants
The way of this world is to seek recognition and honor. The world sees leadership as a way to wield power. That’s not our Savior’s way nor is it what he wants for his followers. Leadership is not conforming others to your will but being conformed to the will of Christ and serving those you lead. Followers of Christ, even leaders among them, are humble servants. But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? For sinners like us, even our humble service can become a point of pride. Let your Savior’s humility be your sin’s cure, his example your guide.
God bless your worship.
FIRST READING: Numbers 12:1-15 Miriam and Aaron learn the importance of humble leadership
SECOND READING: James 3:13-18 James teaches that true wisdom shows itself in deeds of humility
GOSPEL: Mark 9:30-37 Jesus uses a little child as an example of the kind of humility he wants from those who follow him.
PSALM: 115
SERMON TEXT: Numbers 12:1-15
SERMON THEME: “Free Spirit” (Preacher, Pastor Adam Mueller)
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