9/26/2021 - Don't Fight the Wrong Enemy

Don't Fight the Wrong Enemy

In the weeks and months after Jesus ascended into heaven, there were heavy persecutions against Christians from outside the church - especially Jews.  Many Christians who escaped fled to other cities.  When they got there, they continued to practice their Christianity.  The Word of the Lord initially spread fastest through the faithful witness of laymen like you.

Before 300 AD, Christians were widely reviled and attacked.  Then Emperor Constantine became Christian and made Christianity legal.  The attacks against Christianity took on a different form.  Now they came from inside the Church through false teachings, arguing and divisions.  The common thread is that Christianity has always been under attack.

Lurking behind all the attacks on Christianity is a common enemy, the devil.  One of his common ploys is to get us to fight each other and eat away at Christian unity from the inside out.  Oftentimes we are duped into thinking that our real fight is against people at work, in government, or even sitting in the pew next to us.  Today’s readings suggest that we aim our arrows elsewhere.

Two readings relate stories that are essentially tattle-tailing.  There were people who were claiming to do ministry, but didn’t necessarily have the correct credentials.  Moses suggested there were other hills to die on.  Jesus’ answer was better, “whoever is not against us is for us.”  Rather than fight people who are prophesying, you’d do better to aggressively fight the sin in your heart.  James comes straight to the point:  “resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

How can our God of love and grace be so perpetually hated?  Jesus’ answer:  “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” (John 15:18).  What should we do, hate them back?  There’s a better answer.  “All men will know that you’re my disciples if you love one another.”

God bless your worship.


FIRST READING: Numbers 11:4–6, 10–16, 24–29, Moses wishes that all the Lord’s people were prophets

SECOND READING: James 4:7–12, Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

GOSPEL: Mark 9:38-50, Whoever is not against us is for us.


SERMON TEXT: Numbers 11:4–6, 10–16, 24–29

SERMON THEME: “Free Spirit” (Preacher, Pastor Adam Mueller)

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Leigh Webster