9/20/2020 - God’s Reward of Grace
GOD'S NOT FAIR, BUT GRACIOUS: September 20, 2020
Teenagers often live and die on matters of fairness. They’re very in tune with the way people are treated. They’re antennae perk up especially if someone getting special treatment. That’s when they insist that if one person is treated in a special way, so should everyone else. Honestly, that’s not just teenagers. Just about everyone lives and dies on matters of fairness - or at least what they perceive to be fair.
Sunday's lesson begs us to ask the question, "Is God fair with people?" Admit it, you ask it, too. People you have labeled "good" have chronic pain, insolent children, or die young. Others you've judged to be "bad" seem to be living the high life. But the parable Jesus teaches begs us to wrestle with another dimension of fairness. There were those who labored in the vineyard from dawn, and others who hired on just before quitting time. Yet the owner of the vineyard gave everyone the same reward! How is that remotely fair?
Jesus' words have far reaching implications. Let's be blunt: God is not fair with you. He does NOT give you what you deserve. We are very grateful for that, since our sins mandate that we all deserve hell. That’s called mercy. God is unfair with you in another way. He gives you what you do not deserve, forgiveness and heaven. That's called grace.
Two other lessons support the notion that God is not fair, but gracious. When talking about our calling and election, Paul quips, "It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy" (Romans 9:16). Another lesson from Jonah demonstrates God’s patient mercy and grace to the Ninevites. You can count on the same patient mercy and grace from God.
God's not fair with me! He is merciful and gracious. His name is worthy of my praise.
► Readings:
• Jonah 3:10-4:11: God's mercy and grace extends to the people of Ninevah
• Romans 9:6-16: God's eternal call and election
• Matthew 20:1-16: The parable of the workers in the vineyard
• Psalm 115
► Sermon theme on Matthew 20:1-16: “God’s Reward of Grace”
8am & 10:45am services with accommodations are held on campus.
10:45am service live-streamed on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/RedeemerTucson