A Glimpse Into Reality
DISCIPLES SEE JESUS IN FAITH - Third Sunday of Easter: May 5, 2019
Hundreds of years before Jesus lived, Job expressed his belief in a literal, bodily resurrection from the dead. "And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes - I, and not another." A bodily resurrection from the dead has always been at the center of Christianity.
This week's Gospel (John 21:1-14) presents us with Jesus' third literal, bodily appearance to his disciples after Easter. That's a miracle all by itself! He continues to show his divinity with a miraculous catch of fish, and cooks breakfast for good measure (a ghost couldn't do that).
Elsewhere in our lessons, John sees what the future holds for those who die in faith - they continue to live in heaven. Revelation (5:11-14) pictures throngs of faithful saints and angels singing praises to the Lamb. The Bible calls this resurrection to eternal life the second resurrection. Before we enjoy that, we must first have a first resurrection, sometimes called "conversion." Conversion is a resurrection from spiritual death (unbelief) to spiritual life (faith). That's what happened to Saul on the road to Damascus; Jesus converted him to faith. The faith you presently possess is God's resurrection in you, and his deposit guaranteeing the second resurrection to come. Worthy is the Lamb!
► Readings:
• Acts 9:1-22: God converts Saul to Christian faith.
• Revelation 5:11-14: Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain.
• John 21:1-14: Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish.
• Psalm: 30
► Sermon theme: "A Glimpse Into Reality"