Stay Healthy
JESUS' DISCIPLES ARE KNOWN BY LOVE - Fifth Sunday of Easter/Confirmation Sunday: May 19, 2019
Shortly before he went to the cross, Jesus gave his disciples the following instruction: “Love one
another.” How do you do that? Jesus himself was about to provide the quintessential object lesson of love, sacrificing his own life on the cross for the world. While the world busies itself with “selfies” and imposing your will on others as ways to personal happiness, Jesus teaches something far more powerful and pervasive. Selflessness and sacrifice brings Jesus’ happy blessings to your life and others.
In our second service, five young people will publicly confirm their faith in Jesus Christ. They will be welcomed to partake of Holy Communion. All of us who are members of Redeemer went through a rite of confirmation either as children or adults. Let us use the service this Sunday to reaffirm our dedication to our Savior and our use of God’s word and sacraments.
► Readings:
• Acts 11:1-18: God's love for Jew and Gentile alike.
• 1 Corinthians 13:1-13: Love is the greatest gift.
• John 13:31-35: Love one another.
• Psalm: 145
► Sermon theme: "Stay Healthy!"