Distracted Driving
Every time-management guru will happily tell you that the secret to effectively managing time is doing what's most important first. Easier said than done. Many of us don't even know what's truly important. And, even if we do, we let the "urgent" overtake the "important." Most are slaves to interruptions, putting out fires, and other pressure-induced diversions that prevent us from getting to the truly important things.
We all agree that God and his Word are important. Are you taking time for God? Has the the Bible made it up your priority list? Have other things in life, pressure-induced diversions and other perceived urgent matters, squeezed the God out of your time management?
You're not alone. When Jesus came to town, Martha opened her home and proceeded to slather on the hospitality. She was baking and cooking and preparing a feast. She was the "Hostess with the Most-ess." Frankly, she was distracted by the urgent, and was flat stressed out! Her sister Mary, however, sat as Jesus' feet and listened to him; she was at peace. When the bossy and frazzled Martha suggested to Jesus that he should quit his conversation and send Mary into the kitchen to help, Jesus said, "No." And then he commended Mary for making the better choice than her sister.
The time has come for us to stop rationalizing how God, the Bible, and worship get our leftover time, if any at all. He's important; treat him that way. Less of me and my self-important priorities (which are really not important at all) and more of Jesus is always better.
God always treats you important - you're his child, after all. You're on his mind, you're worth his Son's blood, he listens to your prayers, he forgives your sins and satisfies your needs. Grace!
► Readings:
• Genesis 18:1-14: The LORD visits Abraham and promises a son.
• Colossians 1:1-14: All over the world, the Gospel bears fruit.
• Luke 10:38-42: LORD, teach me to treasure your Word.
• Psalm: 119a
► Sermon theme: "Distracted Driving"