Lord, Teach Us to Pray
You've noticed, I'm sure, that people are slow to admit when they don't know how to do something. They're even slower to admit when they’re bad at something and need to ask for help. Call it what you want - pride, stubbornness, embarrassment - life would be much easier if people just admitted, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that. Will you please teach me?"
Have you ever asked anyone to teach you how to pray? Most people assume they know how, and many think they're good at it. Those were not assumptions the disciples made. Although they had been religious their whole lives, they admitted they didn't know how to pray and asked Jesus to teach them.
All of this week's lessons are devoted to the habit and practice of prayer. Prayers are modeled by Abraham and Jesus. Qualities and characteristics of prayers are taught: boldness, humility, selflessness, persistence, trust. The topics of prayers are covered, namely pray for spiritual things, especially people and their faith. Abraham prayed for Sodom and his nephew. Paul teaches us to pray for government leaders. Jesus teaches us to ask for the Holy Spirit.
Listen attentively as you read or listen to the lessons. They're helpful, they're instructive, and they're practical. It is true that not everyone is cut out for every role of service in the church, but EVERYONE can pray. Poor or rich, sick or healthy, shut-in or mobile, everyone can pray. God wants to hear from his children.
God bless you!
► Readings:
• Genesis 18:20-32: Abraham prays for Sodom.
• 1 Timothy 2:1-18: Pray for everyone.
• Luke 11:1-13: Lord, teach us to pray.
• Psalm: 138
► Sermon theme: "Lord, Teach Us to Pray"