THE VIRGIN BIRTH PROMISED TO JOSEPH: 4th Sunday in Advent, December 22, 2019
Through the years, there have been some truly iconic advertising campaigns. Just about everyone can recognize the brands behind "Great taste, less filling," "Where's the beef?" and "Just do it!" A more recent campaign by Staples promoted the red button, "That was easy!"
Ever since God made a promise to send the Messiah into the world, it was going to be necessary for the world to recognize him. God wanted to make it easy for people around the world to recognize his Christ. Has there ever been a better advertising campaign than the virgin birth? First announced by Isaiah some 700 years before it happened, the world would be able to recognize the Messiah from his unprecedented entrance!
Today's readings capture the original prophecy from Isaiah, as well as it's fulfillment in Matthew. Joseph, of course, was caught by surprise when he learned his bride of virtue true was pregnant. Notice how careful the angel is to explain divine intervention, and the fulfillment of salvation history. God always keeps his promises!
As Paul begins his letter to the Romans, he calls attention to the unique nature of Jesus - he has both a human nature and a divine nature; he would need to be both God and man together in one person to accomplish salvation. And today's sermon from Psalm 89 notes Jesus' Davidic lineage, as well as God's faithfulness in bringing his Word to fulfillment.
We'd like to think that Madison Avenue is the birthplace of modern marketing. Those guys have nothing on God. Divine intervention to fulfill a promise over the span of 700 years, a public reveal to a sky filled with angels, an international trip by magi to worship their King? Go back to school, boys. God's got the market cornered on iconic. And for God, "That was easy."
► Readings:
• Isaiah 7:10-14: The virgin birth will be a sign that God is with us.
• Romans 1:1-7: Jesus has both a human and divine nature.
• Matthew 1:18-25: The angel appears to Joseph.
• Psalm: 89
► Sermon theme on Psalm 89:1-2: "Faithfulness"