More Reason for Praise
More Reason for Praise
JOHN PREPARES THE DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST'S COMING: 3rd Sunday in Advent, December 15, 2019
Some people grow up in the church. They’ve never known anything other than Christianity. Others were raised without religion of any kind. When you talk to them about Bible miracles - a six day creation, the virgin birth and supernatural healings - they are often skeptical. You’re challenging what they’ve always assumed, and their default setting is doubt.
Last Sunday Jesus’ forerunner, John the Baptist, boldly called all men to repent. This Sunday’s lessons find John in jail, asking whether Jesus really was the Messiah. Could it be that the man who so courageously prepared the way for Christ was now having second thoughts? More likely John sent his disciples to Jesus so that they would see Jesus themselves and Jesus could address their doubts. The simple take away for us is that when we find ourselves wavering with doubt, we get our answers straight from Jesus!
When John’s disciples arrive, Jesus’ answer is noteworthy. He does not simply say, “Of course I’m the Messiah,” or give another one word answer. Instead, he points to outward evidence. His miracles prove he fulfilled Bible prophecy. Many Old Testament readings teach that you’ll be able to identify the Messiah by the miracles he performs. Today’s first lesson from Isaiah lists several of those miracles: the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will walk. Jesus fulfilled them all repeatedly during his ministry.
Doubt about Jesus’ identity, skepticism of the miraculous, and weak commitment to God’s Word did not begin or end with John or his disciples. Those same misgivings disaffect both Christians and non-Christians today. How heartening it is to know that God has clear and compelling answers for all of our waverings. Look at the proof! His miracles prove his identity. Look at his Word! God gives us answers, if we’re willing to listen. We have a Messiah, and because we do, we have hope.
► Readings:
• Isaiah 35:1-10: Identify Messiah by these miracles.
• James 5:7-10: Patient waiting for the Lord.
• Matthew 11:2-11: John's disciples visit Jesus.
• Psalm: 146
► Sermon theme on Psalm 146: "More Reason for Praise"